Icon Health Care Centre is a state of art medical centre that provides the best quality health service to the local community. We provide a wide range of general practitioner services and we also provide specialist services related to women’s health, pre-employment medicals, work-cover and minor surgery. Our practice has two consultation rooms, a treatment room and a comfortable environment for our patients.
General Practitioners
Dr. Mahbuba Akter Shampa
Dr. Poly Paul
Dr. Mehwish Jabeen
Ms. Fardina Syeda
Ms. Ivy Ahmed, Ms. Mokarrabin Sultana
Ms. Sonia Alam, Ms. Momtahena Sultana
Practice Nurse
Ms. Syeda Amina Toufique
Practice Manager
Ms. Samina Kadri
Business Manager
Mohammad Morshed Nasser
Monday- Friday : 9am-7pm Saturday : 1pm-6pm
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Online: www.sydmed.com.au
After-Hours Service
Sydney Medical Co-operative Limited provides after hours service to our patients.
Phone: 1300 HOMEGP. Online: www.sydmed.com.au
Please ring 98202544 for an appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time, however, this may not be possible if we are very busy. A normal appointment length is 20 minutes. Please inform our receptionist when you are booking if you require a longer appointment, or if more than one person in the family will be seeing the doctor.
When you telephone the surgery with a question or to make an appointment, you will generally be asked, "Is it an emergency?" This is so our receptionists know it is safe to place you on hold if necessary. Our reception staffs are able to take non-urgent messages and requests and pass these on to your doctor. The Doctor will try to return your call based on their policy on returning phone calls. You are welcome to contact us in person, by telephone, or by mail and we will respond as quickly as we can. Please do not use mail for urgent queries
as a response time cannot be guaranteed.
Please be guided by what your doctor tells you when she orders any tests, but as a general rule, you will need to phone the surgery and make an appointment to discuss the results. We will notify you if the results are urgent. It is important that you always keep us informed of any change to your contact details, including your preferred telephone number and email address so that we are able to contact you if needed.
Icon Health Care Centre is a bulk-billing practice for all eligible patients.
Please inform the practice if your Medicare Card details change, update your details at the reception. For overseas visitors and private patients, a fee will be charged at MBS rates. You will often be able to claim a refund from your insurance company. The amount is dependent on the services that the doctor has provided.
For patients seeking treatment for Workcover, you will need to pay for the consultation on the day. The amount can be claimed back from your employer/insurance company. Once you have provided us with insurance details, an invoice will be sent directly to the insurance provider. We have EFTPOS available for your convenience
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain securities of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is available only to authorized members of staff.
A copy of our privacy policy, which includes information about how to request access to your own personal health information, can be obtained at reception
and is also available on our website.
Doctors in the Medical Centre may be contacted during normal operating hours. If the doctor is with a patient, the reception staff will take a detailed message and forward this onto the doctor as soon as possible. In an emergency, your call will always be
put through to either the doctor or nurse.
Our practice is committed to preventative care. We may send you a reminder email from time to time offering you preventive health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system, please let your doctor or receptionist know. Please ensure you provide us with an active Email ID that you check regularly or inform us
if you prefer reminders to mail to you.
From time to time this practice invites patients to complete a questionnaire on their views of the practice and how it could be improved. These surveys are completely confidential and help us improve our services. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you receive from the practice, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the receptionist about any problems you have with the service we provide. We believe that problems are best dealt within the practice. However, if you do feel there is a problem you wish to take up outside of the practice, you may prefer to contact the medical registration board, AMA or Health Care complaints commission.
Health Care complaints commission:
Locked Mailbag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Phone: (02) 9219 7444 or 1800 043 159
NO Smoking Policy
This practice is a smoke-free zone,
there is to be no smoking in
or outside of the practice by staff or patients.